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    ISO/IEC 27001:2022

    Beijing VNET Broadband
    Data Center Co., Ltd.
    2nd Floor, Guanjie Building Southeast
    Chaoyang District
    No. 10, Jiuxianqiao East Road
    BSI logo

    Certificate Number: IS 635219
    Scope: The provision of internet data center services and enterprise data center services, including hosting service and maintenance service; The provision of data center maintenance outsourcing services; The provision of HIT (Hybrid IT); The provision of cloud computing services, including EvDC (Enterprise virtual Data Center), LCloud. This is in accordance with the Statement of Applicability version V3.00, issued on Aug. 1st, 2023. Registration address: Floor 3, Building M5, No.1, Jiuxianqiao East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
    提供互联网数据中心与企业数据中心服务,包括托管服务及运维服务; 提供数据中心运维外包服务; 提供HIT(混合IT服务); 提供云计算服务,包括EvDC(企业虚拟数据中心)、LCloud全域托管云服务。 这与2023年8月1日发布的V3.00版本的适用性声明相一致。 注册地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路东路1号院5号楼3层

    Original Registration Date Effective Date Last Revision Date Expiry Date
    2015-07-14 2024-07-14 2024-06-26 2027-07-13